Why PathFinder?

Strong systems of education can lift entire nations out of poverty, hunger, and conflict. Primary and secondary education have become extremely challenging for developing countries such as Bangladesh, India, Zambia and the Philippines. Longstanding education systems emphasize repetition and memorization instead of problem-solving and ethics. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the failures of the education system have compounded. But even after the pandemic ends, these systems will churn out a workforce for the past; not one for the future and a world we can’t yet imagine.

What is PathFinder?

PathFinder is a unique three months long virtual cross-cultural educational program for international youths to educate students on the values of entrepreneurship, community leadership, and their role as potential young leaders to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and encourage them to become more inclusive and diversified communities.

For Whom?

PathFinder works with international youths aged between 12 to 16 years from Bangladesh, Zambia, India, Sweden and the Philippines. PathFinder supports female engagement and ensures that at least 60% of the participants are females. We encourage participants from different nationalities, races, religions and communities to come together and build a diversified classroom environment.

Our Values

  • Ensure quality education to increase the number of youth and adults with relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship by 2030.
  • Through quality education and life-long learning opportunities, encourage strong, inclusive, and long-term economic growth, as well as decent work for all genders, empower women and girls worldwide.
  • Increase international support for effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all of the SDGs, including through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation.

Our Goals

  • Creating a global platform for school students, sharing essential skills and networks to become future entrepreneurs and change-makers.
  • Enlightening the students about the UN SDGs and developing problem solving attitudes.
  • Creating cross cultural bonding among the Bangladeshi, Zambian, Indian, Swedish and Filipino school students to identify problems and approaches to solve them in their respective countries for post Covid19 economic prosperity.
  • Sharing knowledge and experience through multilateral exchanges between educational institutes, private, public institutes and governments for a more relevant academic and practical learning experience.
  • Developing policy guidelines of a curriculum and model for online classes for public schools.